Amanda Bossard net worth

Amanda Bossard, fresh out of Anchorage High School 1992 began studying marine biology. Bossard started her journey working in the commercial seafood sector in the year 1999. At the time she worked in Murat Aritan's halibut 65 feet boat. It was later converted into a fish tender. Bossard was married to Aritan in 1999, and the pair have come together in fighting for their company. Both are advocates conservation of sustainable, renewable sources of seafood. Otolith was created at the time of Philadelphia through Bella Bossard and is currently mother to two kids aged 3 and 1, Bossard. Her husband has a long experience in the industry of fish and often they are separated from each other for five months or more. That's when they're focused on their environmental and financial objectives. Bossard along with Isabella and Andre (ages 12, 10 respectively) Return each year from July to August, to Southeast Alaska for the summer catch of salmon wild. They use hooks and line to capture their salmon and then join Aritan for local processors for a period of two months. Then they continue to increase their direct seafood market through Otolith Sustainable Seafood. Amanda Bossard was hired as an anchor on News 12 / MMJ News 12 Anchor/MMJ and News 12 Brooklyn in November of 2015. Her passion is telling the stories of the communities she is a part of and the places she works in.

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